Exams Information
Information for Mock and Board Exams
Dear All,
Please be advised of the following:
- ONLY students who are physically returning to school (face-to-face/alternate days – TBC) are
required to get a COVID test as per. the guidelines; - Students attending school who are going to remain on Distance Learning and will ONLY attend
to sit exams DO NOT need to get a COVID test.
For more information regarding COVID testing requirements, please refer to the ADEK Page below:
Mr. Ryan Howell– Assistant Principal i/c Exams
Information for Staff
CIE Check List
Exam Day Guidelines
JCQ Check list for Invigilators
Information for Students
Exams Equipment List
CIE Notice to Candidates
CIE Warning to Candidates
JCQ – No Mobile Phones Poster
JCQ Warning to Candidates